Republic of Fremantle $1,000 Voucher Giveaway Promotion Terms and Conditions 

Click here to view the full terms and conditions 

These Terms and Conditions incorporate and must be read together with the details outlined in the table above.  Information about prizes and how to enter forms part of these Terms and Conditions.  By entering, you accept these Terms and Conditions.  


2 Your entry must be received during the Advertised Competition Period and will be deemed to be received only when received by the Promoter. Entry forms from any other competition cannot be used for this competition, and are void if copied, forged, stolen or interfered with.  Where relevant, submitted entry forms are the Promoter's property.  If you return a Qualifying Purchase your entry may be deemed invalid at the Promoter's discretion (unless the product is defective).  If you enter using automatically generated entries or multiple phone numbers/email addresses/addresses/aliases, you may be disqualified.  


  • Prize/s and all elements of prize/s must be taken as and when offered or will be forfeited, and if forfeited, the Promoter will not be liable. Prize/s are subject to any additional terms and conditions imposed by the relevant supplier or the Promoter, including, as relevant:
    • validity period/s;
    • booking and availability of flights, accommodation and events;
    • conditions of travel and conditions of entry into any event venues (including behaviour requirements and applicable dress codes);
    • conditions of ticket validity and any restrictions on ticket on-sale or transfer;
    • travel dates and specified travel exclusion periods;
    • any additional fees (payable by you) relating to changes made by you/your companion to a travel/event prize after it has been booked;
    • the requirement to obtain all necessary documents to travel to any overseas location specified, including a current and valid passport and any visas required; and
    • a requirement to present your credit card when checking in to accommodation.
  • You/your companion/s are responsible for all other unspecified costs related to the prize, including meals, transport, insurance (including excesses), in-room charges, additional taxes, mobile or data plans, installation costs, costs associated with ongoing use of the prize, etc. Event tickets can only be used once and will be deemed invalid if copied.  The Promoter does not control entry to the relevant event location. The winner/s must keep their tickets safe and the Promoter will not replace lost or stolen tickets. 
  • The Promoter is not responsible for any dispute between you and any person with whom you choose to, or choose not to, share the prize.
  • Where relevant, the Promoter accepts no responsibility if one or more of the events or activities awarded as part of the prize areabandoned, called off or postponed for any reason. In that case you/your companion/s forfeit your entitlement to that event/activity.  Similarly, while the Promoter will make all reasonable efforts to ensure the participation of any specified celebrity/ies in the prize element/s, the Promoter and prize suppliers exclude, so far as legally permissible, all liability if for any reason the celebrity/ies do not attend the prize element/s due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter and prize suppliers (e.g. illness). Unless otherwise specified by the Promoter, you will not be given cash or any alternative prize as a substitute for this altered prize element.  
  • Where alcohol is available as part of a prize, it will be served in line with the responsible service of alcohol guidelines carried out by the Venue/Outlet staff and management. The Promoter is not responsible for how a Venue/Outlet conducts and executes its responsible service of alcohol guidelines. Venue/Outlet staff and management reserve the right to refuse service of alcohol to any prize winner/s or their companion/s if they are deemed to be inebriated.


  • Any failure by you or (if applicable) your companion/s to comply with the conditions imposed by the prize supplier(s) may result in the prize being cancelled or withdrawn without liability for the Promoter or the prize supplier(s).
  • For event-based/travel prizes, you and (if applicable) your companion/s accept that some aspects of the prize may be inherently risky and that the prize may involve dangerous activities.
  • If specified, in order to participate in the activity/activities awarded as part of the prize, you/your companion/s must comply with any applicable conditions (e.g. height, weight, health and fitness requirements). You must ensure that you/your companion/s are healthy and fit enough to take the prize.  You/your companion/s must follow all requirements of the people responsible for managing the relevant activity/ies.   
  • You/your companion/s must, if required by the Promoter, sign disclaimer and release forms provided by the Promoter in favour of the Promoter and other parties before taking the prize. If you or any companion/s do not sign, your entry will be deemed invalid and you will lose any entitlement to a prize. 
  • If you or your entry are deemed by the Promoter to breach these Terms and Conditions including if the prize is on set dates and you are unable to take the prize on the relevant date/s, your entry (or at the Promoter's discretion, all of your entries) may be discarded. The Promoter may, at any time, require you to produce documentation to establish to the Promoter's satisfaction the validity of your entries (including documentation establishing your identity, age, place of residence and place of employment).  Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not waive those rights. 
  • You must not:
    • tamper with the entry process;
    • engage in any conduct that may jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the competition;
    • act in a disruptive, annoying, threatening, abusive or harassing manner;
    • do anything that may diminish the good name or reputation of the Promoter or any of its related entities or of the agencies or companies associated with this competition;
    • breach any law; or
    • behave in a way that is otherwise inappropriate.
  • If companion/s can take the prize with you, you are responsible for your companion/s and the Promoter may disqualify all entries from, and prohibit further participation in this competition by, you or any or all of your companion/s if they breach these conditions, whether or not legally bound by them.
  • If you (or your companion/s, if applicable), in the opinion of the Promoter (and/or a medical professional, as relevant to the circumstances), are intoxicated, under the influence of alcohol or any other drug, behave aggressively or offensively, or behave in a manner which may diminish the good name or

reputation of the Promoter or any of its related entities or the agencies or companies associated with this competition, is contrary to law or is otherwise inappropriate, the Promoter may cancel the prize or restrict you (and your companion/s) from participating in any elements of the prize, at its discretion. 

  • The Promoter is not liable for entries, prize claims or correspondence that are misplaced, misdirected, delayed, lost, incomplete, illegible or incorrectly submitted including failure of any third parties to forward entry forms for inclusion in the draw, where relevant.
  • If any dispute arises between you and the Promoter concerning the conduct of this promotion or claiming a prize, the Promoter will take reasonable steps to consider your point of view, taking into account any facts or evidence you put forward, and to respond to it fairly within a reasonable time. In all other respects, the Promoter’s decision in connection with all aspects of this competition is final.
  • Prizes cannot be transferred or exchanged nor (except where cash is specified) redeemed for cash. Without limiting any other term of these Terms and Conditions, all prizes (and elements of prizes) must be taken as and when specified, or will be forfeited with no replacement.  The prize values are correct as at the date of preparing these Terms and Conditions and include any applicable GST.  The Promoter is not responsible for any change in prize value.  You agree that if a prize (or element of a prize) is unavailable for any reason the Promoter may provide another item of equal or higher value, subject to any necessary approval by the state/territory gaming authorities. 
  • If publication will take place, by entering, you request that your full address not be published.
  • If this competition cannot run as planned for any reason beyond the Promoter's control, for example due to software, hardware or communications issues, unauthorised intervention, tampering, fraud or technical failure, government directives, pandemic, public health orders and the like, the Promoter may end, change, suspend or cancel the competition or disqualify affected entries/entrants, subject to any necessary approval by the state/territory gaming authorities.
  • The Promoter is not responsible for any tax implications arising from you winning a prize. You should seek independent financial advice.  If for GST purposes this competition results in any supply being made for non-monetary consideration, you must follow the Australian Taxation Office’s stated view that where the parties are at arm’s length, goods and services exchanged are of equal GST inclusive market values.


  • Nothing in these Terms and Conditions restricts, excludes or modifies any consumer rights under any statute including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
  • Subject to the previous paragraph, the Promoter and the agencies and companies associated with this competition are not liable (including in negligence) for any loss (including indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury (including allergies, skin conditions or other reactions, as relevant), illness or death suffered in connection with this competition or any prize, except for any liability which under statute cannot be excluded (in which case that liability is limited to the greatest extent allowed by law).   
  • Without limiting the previous paragraph, the Promoter and the agencies and companies associated with this competition are not liable for any loss of, damage to or delay in delivery of prize/s, or for any damage that occurs to displayed prize/s (where relevant). Unless otherwise specified, prize/s will only be delivered to addresses in Australia.
  • This competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with any social media platform, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You provide your information to the Promoter and not to any social media platform.  You completely release any relevant social media platforms from any and all liability.

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    Founders of the Republic